Welcome to Easter Venture 2001: A Space Oddity! Easter Venture is a four day competitive hike, run by the South Australian Venturer Branch. The event is held at a secret location somewhere in rural Australia. There are 5 trophies to be won over the course of the weekend. The Theme trophy goes to the team that does the best job of getting into the 'Space Oddity' Theme and participates in all the lunch and evening activities presented by the EV Theme Team. The Hike Trophy is awarded to the team that shows the highest level of skill in hiking. This is done by collecting checkpoints along the hike. There are 3 levels of difficulty and hiking teams can choose to collect as many or as few levels as they want. Camp: Awarded to the team that achieves the highest standard of camping, including teamwork, tidiness, food preparation. Activities: This one will go to the team that participates in and wins the most points at the activity check points along the hike route (run by SA Rover crews). EV Perpetual Trophy: This is the overall trophy to be awarded to the team that demonstrates the highest levels of participation, skill and enthusiasm and generally participates in the spirit in which the event is run Teams of hikers compete to win as many of the five trophies as they dare. Teams can be a made up of a mix of males and females from any of the three eligible groups; Venturers, Guides or Duke of Edinburgh Awards participants(D.O.E.'s). All hikers must have reached fourteen and a half, but not their 18th birthday, on or before April 13 2001. Hikers need to have completed their Venturer Skills award or equivalent. During the evenings, teams will be able to relax and socialise with other entrants, enter more fun activities to win extra Theme points, see a movie, and on the final night enjoy a hot meal, freshly prepared for you and then go to the outdoor night club. Easter Venture departs from Hindmarsh Square on Easter Friday, 13th of April 2001. Check in opens at 8.00am and we leave at 8.30am. No independent travel to or from EV is allowed except in situations where an entrant is required to leave the event early. After the hike is over, everyone will be returned to Hindmarsh Square at around 3.00pm on Monday 16th of April. Every year Easter Venture has a different theme, this year the theme is 2001: A Space Oddity! which will involve teams in an intergalactic mission...