Easter Venture Applications Easter Venture participants are required to hike in a team of 4 to 6 people. Teams can be a made up of a mix of males and females from any of the three eligible groups; Venturers, Guides or Duke of Edinburgh Awards participants(D.O.E.'s). All hikers must be aged over 14, but not have had their 18th birthday, on or before March 18th, 2003. Each member of each team must fully complete and submit an application form, which must be received with full payment by Friday 4th of April 2003. The cost of Easter Venture is $25.00 for each entrant. Application forms are available from:
Application forms may be mailed to the address provided on the form by the due date, or they may be handed in to the EV Admin team at this years EV Clinic, 4th of April at Scout HQ. 7.30 - 9.00pm.. |