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Easter Venture (E.V.) is a major South Australian Branch activity.

The aim of Easter Venture is to enjoy a four-day break, hiking with friends in a competitive environment. Each year a different theme is applied, and participants are expected to hike dressed appropriate to the theme.

Points are awarded for both hiking skill, and theme awareness. Along the hike, there will be special activities staged where more points can be obtained if you complete the activity. At night all Venturers will stay at a Venturer camp, where more activities will be provided. Again, your camping skills will be awarded points, which will count towards your overall score.

Participants compete for an overall E.V. perpetual trophy. This trophy will go to the team who completes the most hiking checkpoints, complies with the theme in spirit and execution, completes activities along the way and can demonstrate good camping skills. Hike and Theme are the basis for this event, and points gained here are given a greater weight. Hike checkpoints are graded, and the most difficult have a higher point value. There are also trophies for Best Theme, Most Activity Points, Highest Camping Standard, and Best Hike team.





EV Guide

Application Form

2003 Results

Venturers SA

Polly Wanna Nont?



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