Easter Venture 2010
All eligible Venturers, Guides, Dukes & Active8 Participants are invited to a four day expedition into a mysterious world of fractured fairytales and other twisted fables over the Easter long weekend, April 2 - 5, 2010.
Take your time to have a look around, learn some more about the theme and get some handy training tips. but be careful not to stare through the looking glass for too long as you may not come back!
Latest News
- EV Info Night | 02.02.2010
- The Easter Venture Info Night will be held on Friday 19th March from 7:30pm - 9pm at Scout Headquarters, 211 Glen Osmond Road, FREWVILLE (enter from Avenue Rd). This evening is particularly useful for first time EV Venturers (and Leaders too). Check out the opposition and ask questions of EV Theme Team!
- EV 2010 Theme Announced | 04.12.2009
- Theme Team are pleased to advise that the theme for Easter Venture 2010 will be Fractured Fairytales .