is Easter Venture? Easter
Venture is a major activity of the S.A. Venturer Branch.
It is a team oriented hike with many team challenges en-route.
The aim of Easter Venture is to provide opportunities for Venturers to
test their training, fitness and skills against teams from other Units.
Easter Venture relies heavily on the training of Venturers in Venturing
This is the ongoing responsibility of the Unit Council and Leaders.
What is the E.V.Theme? 2004 = ‘The Toybox Rebellion’.
Each year there is a different theme. e.g. 2003 was ‘Middle Earth
Who runs Easter Venture? A group of Leaders, Rovers and Volunteers.
Who can enter? Any Teenager who has completed the Venturing Skills
Award or equivalent.
All hikers must have reached their fourteenth but not their 18th birthday
on or before the first day of Easter.
How do I apply? Get a team together! Minimum 4 - Maximum 6
Fill in the E.V. Application Form,get the required signatures
and send it to Scout H.Q. with the required fee.
How Do I Get There? You and your team need to be dropped off at the
start and be picked up at the end.
How is E.V. judged?
There are 5 trophies to be won together with Team Pennants A, B and C
Teams of hikers compete to win as many of the five trophies as they dare.
The Theme trophy goes to the team that does the best job of getting
into the theme and participates in all the lunch and evening activities
presented by the EV Theme Team.
We encourage your team to pick a theme name and dress up.
It is easy to go ‘theme mad’ and hike too.
The Hike trophy is awarded to the team that shows the highest level
of skill in hiking.
This is done by visiting checkpoints along the hike route.
Checkpoints are at 3 levels of difficulty [Bronze, Silver or Gold] and
hiking teams can choose to visit as many or as few checkpoints as they
The Camp trophy is awarded to the team that achieves the highest
standard of camping, including teamwork, tidiness, food preparation, setting
up camp. . .
The Activities trophy goes to the team that participates and gains
the most points at the activities along the hike route.
EV Perpetual Trophy: This is the overall trophy awarded to the team
that demonstrates the highest levels of participation, skill and enthusiasm.
During the evenings, teams will be able to enter more fun activities to
win extra Theme points and perhaps see a movie.
On the final night everyone enjoys a hot meal prepared for you followed
by entertainment.
are the Rules on E.V?
The Scout Law is the Law of Easter Venture.
Many leaders, Rovers and volunteers give their time and resources to make
E.V. possible and a responsible, cooperative attitude from Venturers allows
us all to enjoy it more.
Some things are prohibited:-
Alcohol, illegal substances or non prescription drugs.
Large sheath or bush knives, fire works. . .
Mixed sleeping arrangements i.e. no sex.
Vandalism - souveniring - graffiti.
No G.P.S. allowed. No hitch hiking.
No fires due to bushfire prevention regulations.
Walk on the edge of unsealed roads facing the oncoming traffic.
While hiking, teams must stay together.
members of your team must visit the checkpoints you choose.
There are 2 kinds of checkpoints:-
Activity checkpoints: where Rovers run an activity related to the
theme which takes a few minutes, earns your team bronze level points.
E.V. 2004 is a good opportunity to test your skills necessary to complete
an Initiative Activity
i.e. Navigation, First Aid, problem solving. . .
Unmanned checkpoints: [Bronze, Silver or Gold level] designated by
bright red/white markers with an intention sheet for you to complete and
a punch to mark your team passport.
No water is available for hikers at either of these checkpoints.
The Lunch Checkpoint is open from 11am until 2pm. All teams must
visit this checkpoint.
Water and First Aid are available.
After your one hour compulsory stop you are checked out and given your
afternoon checkpoint list. Each evening campsite opens at 4pm. You must
be in by 6pm. [Late penalties apply].
Check in with your leaders. Hot water will be available, first
aid, activities, sleep!!!!
You are able to leave the next day at 7am after checking out with
your leaders.
You must leave by 9am. Again, late penalties apply.
far will we hike? And how hard is it?
E.V. teams plan their own hike route using the coordinates given.
The distance you walk and where your team goes is up to you.
do I prepare for Easter Venture?
Ask others who have been before. Go on practice hikes - practise packing
your pack - prepare your menu - check your gear - practise map and compass
skills -increase your fitness through exercise and walking everywhere.
Wear in your walking boots always with two pairs of wool or wool blend
socks e.g. ‘Explorers’
Cut your toenails properly a few days before you leave. Firmly tie shoelaces
starting nearest your toes.
It is imperative that your team carries suitable and sufficient equipment:
food, water, wet weather gear, First Aid Kit. . .
should I wear?
Theme gear + comfortable ‘weather suitable’ clothing.
Always wear a hat - sunhat during the day, even if it is cloudy and a
warm beanie at night.
Long sleeved shirts/tops + shorts [nylon if the weather looks wet - they
dry easily unlike cotton] +well worn in footwear.
Gear Should I Take?
Either Daypack with wet weather gear, water 2litres+ lunch & munchies,
map, compass, hat, jumper… or Rucksack [at least 65litres with an internal
frame] for what to pack see list below.
[Day Pack Hikers need to pack their other gear in a rucksack to make it
easy for us to transport.]
Pack all your gear in smaller plastic bags into your pack lined with a
large garbag [orange garden type are best]. All your things will stay
dry even if your pack gets wet through!
Wet weather gear/jacket [Japara/Goretex . . .]
Lightweight plastic groundsheet
Sleeping bag and inner sheet.
Sleeping mat.
First Aid Kit with contents to help you treat personal injuries:-blisters,
sprains, Bandaids - antiseptic [Betadine. . .] - Panadol - blister dressing
- crepe bandage -personal medication. . .
Lightweight hike tent with sewn in floor with flysheet and lightweight
Hutchies or bivvy bags are not acceptable.
Toilet gear [small soap, comb, flannel, tooth brush & small toothpaste,
small towel].
Hat [sun protection-sunscreen 30+ lip balm] beanie for cold nights/mornings.
Hiking shirt [long sleeves]
Shorts [nylon are best if the weather looks foul - they dry quicker!]
Warm jumper/thermal top
Sleeping clothes
Wool blend thick socks.
Spare clothes [not too many changes!!]
Toilet paper and small lightweight trowel.
Small torch
Water containers [at least 2 litres]
Map holder - compass -whistle on cord - pencil, paper. . .
Billies to prepare meals eating utensils K.F.S. mug small tea towel. .
Where do I sleep? Venturer Overnight Camps are established by E.V.
staff each night in a different location. First aid, water, hot water
at meal times, camp toilets and entertainment are supplied.
Each sub-camp has leaders to help and advise you if you have problems.
policy requires separate tents for male and female Venturers. For safety, on arrival at the Venturer overnight camp, you must report
to the campsite check-in point.
This is also the case at each lunchtime site.
When you arrive at camp your E.V. Passport will be collected and your
team number recorded to detect late or missing teams.
about meals? There are no shops near the E.V. site.
Due to fire restrictions there are no fires and no stoves on E.V.
Lightweight ingredients and meals able to be prepared with only hot water
are necessary. We supply hot water at each campsite for tea and breakfast.
Your team needs 2 billies. We cater for teams not individuals. Plan, purchase
food, pack, carry, prepare and eat meals as a team.
Sunday’s evening meal is supplied for you
Breakfasts: Weetbix muesli breakfast bars powdered milk milo Tang.
Lunches: cold pies / pasties sausage rolls / cut rolls from home for
the first day - Sardines/mussels/metwurst/cheese portions/sticks/ bread
pita bread vegemite peanut butter hard boiled eggs Vitaweet biscuits .
. . Margarine and peanut butter are excellent sources of energy.
Tea: soup/oxo Pasta meals/ tuna /deb and vegetables/ camp pie/ Instant
pudding/ angel delight!! Cheese cake if you want a real carbohydrate
boost and want to impress the camping judges!!! [White Wings lemon is
the best!]
Snacks: high energy muesli/energy bars scroggin/ dried fruit/ biscuits/fresh
fruit. . .
Your team is expected to show your sub camp leaders what you eat so that
we know that you are eating well for the hike.
Should Units Select Teams? Compatibility - Experience - Attitude -
Fitness - Training.
Who do you get along with and who you don’t mind sharing gear/tent/decision
making. . .with?
i.e. people with the same aim as yourself.
Decide on your aim e.g. To go for broke or just do your best or just go
along for the ride.
It is best to select a team leader - probably the most experienced - who
will make the final decisions after consulting the other members.
We will put you with other incomplete teams if you cannot make groups
of 4 from your own Unit.
Check with other Units to combine members before you apply.
Venturers hike in teams of 4.
Are the Main Problems Encountered on E.V.?
Too much gear taken i.e. Several changes of clothing are not necessary
- Excessive toiletries -
Heavy tents, steel pegs [aluminium are much lighter]. Your pack should weigh no more than 1/4 - 1/3 - of your body
little gear taken: E.V. is not Rogaining! There is a certain minimum
gear that is essential for your safety. Adequate raingear [plastic ponchos
are not good enough for a 4 day hike] sleeping bag, tent with fly and
warm clothing [thermals are warm and light] for night time are essential.
Keep up the fluids. Many small sips of water are best. Beware of energy
Your body requires fluid replacement at increasing levels according to
activities and the weather.
Packs: Check yours well before Easter. [internal framed packs are
-Prevention: wear in your footwear well before E.V. Wear two pairs of
socks and wear a pack on your practice hikes. Your feet should be firm
in your boots but not tight - be prepared to add or change the ratio of
thick/thin socks. Wool/synthetic blends are best. Treatment: apply second
skin or elasto-plast as soon as a sore spot is felt [heel, toe.
ankle] See Section: Survival on E.V.
Not enough sleep Gung Ho Hikers always seem to get enough sleep except
on the Sunday night!!!
lost: The map is not often wrong. Stop, study the map and terrain.
Try to work out when you last knew where you were-look for prominent features.
Wait for help- another E.V. team.
Getting lost can be avoided. Take note of road or track directions before
setting out from each activity site and at each change of direction or
major feature.
After dark set up your tents - shine your torch - look for other lights.
Be prepared to camp where you are for the night - you should have enough
water with you at all times for this.
The E.V. Hike Team searches for lost teams and does not give up until
all teams are in camp!!!!!
good food: See the menu and snack suggestions.
A lack of planning beforehand. This booklet should set you on the right track.
Happens If A Team Member Gets Hurt or Sick? Protect them from further
danger/injury - stay with your team mate - apply first aid and make them
comfortable - send 2 people for help to the nearest activity checkpoint
or road.
Roads in the E.V. area are patrolled during event.
If the weather is cold and wet pitch your tent and get in it and in your
sleeping bag if you have to wait for help. Putting on your wet weather
gear and covering yourself with a groundsheet is a good idea.
You are expected to treat your own minor injuries but a qualified First
Aid person will be at each lunch spot and at the night camps if you need
If you are not feeling well, tell someone about it early. Viruses are
‘travel bugs’ and get around in droplets spread by coughing,
sneezing or just touch.
E.V. does not have a doctor so if necessary you will be taken to a hospital.
If you cannot continue hiking with your team you go home.
We are not able to transport you from campsite to campsite.
Skills for Easter Venture:
*A sense of fun!
*A willingness to join in all activities.
*Map Reading - All team members need to be proficient in map and compass
skills plus route planning.
At the beginning of the hike each team will be issued with a colour 1:50
000 map and the coordinates of the checkpoints for the first section until
After lunch you will be given the coordinates for the afternoon section
of the hike.
Check points and activity sites have different values i.e. bronze - silver
- gold.
*Setting up camp quickly and efficiently.
*Preparing meals using hot water supplied at each campsite.
*Sharing tasks and working well together.
take a waterproof jacket even if the weather forecast is for fine weather.
Nights may be very cold. If you get lost or hurt a wind proof and water
proof jacket is good protection.
on E.V. Easter Venture is an activity filled hike.
The main reason for Venturers going home from E.V. is blisters.
Blisters arise when there is too much movement between your foot and the
boot or shoe/sneaker.
This is caused by incorrectly fitting footwear or them not being laced
firmly enough.
Tighten each lace individually from the toe up before tying the bow/knot.
Heat, dirty socks, sweaty feet and soft feet [not hardened by use or by
methylated spirits] help blisters to develop. Use Vaseline between and
around toes. Tape areas that are prone to become sore with Leucosilk.
At the first sign of sore feet [heel. toe. ankle] STOP!!!!
Put a strip of plaster [Blister Block or Leucosilk] over the red
skin to protect the sore area and hold the skin together before a blister
The best cover for a raw blister is your natural skin pulled gently back
in place and protected by adhesive tape. Plastic Bandaids do not work
Once blisters form, drain the fluid leaving the skin intact and apply
a dressing of Blister Block.
You need to be careful to avoid infection so use an antiseptic e.g. Betadine.
[always take a waterproof jacket, have a good breakfast and eat regular
If you get very cold for a long time without exercise, energy foods and
protection from the cold your body starts to close down some functions
resulting in exposure. [wind, rain and cold together are potentially lethal]
Having a good breakfast plus regular extra energy food throughout the
day besides your meals is essential.
Other factors which may predispose hypothermia are:- poor food, a poor
mental attitude, inactivity, recent illness and lack of fitness. Small,
thin people are at risk because they have less natural insulation.
The signs of hypothermia include general slowing down, slurred speech,
stumbling or clumsiness, lack of interest or awareness, out of character
behaviour, excessive shivering.
Treatment: Stop and rest. Protect the cold
person from the wind, using a space blanket, and the cold ground using
a groundsheet.
Give energy food- energy bars, sweets, biscuits, a sustaining drink eg.
If it is cold and wet pitch your tent, remove excessive wet clothing and
warm the patient gradually in a sleeping bag..
results if you get too hot and can’t cool down.
A sun hat plus loose fitting, light coloured, long sleeved tops are ideal
with 30+ sun protection.
Water is the best drink with frequent sips. If you are thirsty you are
already 3-5% dehydrated.
The tube water systems are a good idea but don’t share yours!! Too
many germs are spread this way.
Drink often in small amounts to prevent dehydration - feeling thirsty,
decreasing urine output of a darker colour are some indicators.
So if you or members of your team feel very hot, dizzy, very thirsty -
sit down in the nearest shady spot, sip small amounts of water, cool down
- remove any excess clothing, sponge with a damp flannel/handkerchief,
fan each other, lie with your feet higher than your body.
Hygiene: Everyone smells on hikes so deodorants are not necessary.
Having a sponge - in tent - wash is a good idea.
Wash your hands using soap after toilet use and before you prepare food
and before you eat.
Washing your feet each day helps prevent blisters.
Toilet Training! Use minimal impact techniques: Dig a hole 15cm deep at
least 100m from a water source or potential watercourse, [only 15cm deep
so that the micro organisms can speedily decompose your faeces] cover
well and stamp earth down on top then cover with leaves... Wash your hands.
Pit toilets with hand-washing facilities are provided at each campsite.
for anything AND with enough equipment to do it!!!!!!!