EV 2021 logo - Spaced Out EV

Easter Venture (EV) is a four day Branch competitive hike for Venturer Scouts, older Scouts and Guides. It is held over the Easter long weekend from Friday 2 April (Good Friday) to Monday 5 April 2021.

EV is a team event and you will hike in teams of four to seven. The minimum of four participants per team will be strictly applied for your safety. All members of your team must stay together.

EV2021 will be held at the in and around the Barossa Goldfields, Para Wirra, and Kersbrook Forest- a great hiking area that’s never been used for EV before with plenty to challenge the best Guide, Scout and Venturer Hikers!

EV2021 starts at 7:30am at College Park Scout Hall

EV2021 concludes at 10:00am at Trinity College's Blackham Bush Campus


Team and entry requirements

Teams can be a made up of a mix of males and females from any of the three eligible groups;

  • Older Scouts;
  • Venturers; and
  • Guides.

All youth members participating in EV must be 13.5 years or older and have not yet reached their eighteenth birthday on the Good Friday of the event.

18-year olds still within the Venturer Section may participate, but must sleep in separate tents during the event.

Older Scouts and first-time entrants

Registered Scouts and first-time entrants are invited to apply to attend as day pack participants. Those with strong experience in overnight bushwalking may request to enter as a full pack participant, but should first contact the event coordinators to discuss (easterventure@sa.scouts.com.au).

All Participants need to be competent in the Outdoor Skills required by the Venturing Skills Award or its equivalent.

Teams can be made up of participants from the eligible groups. For example, a team could comprise of Venturers from two different Units, or Venturers and Guides. Inviting a couple of older Scouts from your local Scout Troop might also be an effective linking activity.

Teams should comprise individuals with similar abilities and/or goals for Easter Venture. More information is available on selecting your teams.

Need a team? Let us know and we can place you in a team.



Every year Easter Venture has a different theme. This year the theme is 'Spaced Out' that will incorporate everything and anything related to space, aliens, science fiction... Think outside the box!

It's a UFO!


Awards and trophies

There are eight trophies to be won over the course of the weekend.

  • The Michael Woodward Hike Award (Day Pack) is awarded to the team that demonstrates the highest level of skill in hiking, whilst only carrying a day pack. This is done by collecting checkpoints along the hike. There are three levels of difficulty and hiking teams can choose to collect as many or as few levels as they want.
  • The Hiker's Feat Shield (Full Pack) is awarded to the team that demonstrates the highest level of skill in hiking, whilst carrying a full pack. This is done by collecting checkpoints along the hike. There are three levels of difficulty and hiking teams can choose to collect as many or as few levels as they want.
  • The Amanda Taylor Memorial Theme Award goes to the team that does the best job of getting into the 'Spaced Out' theme and participates in all activities presented by the EV Theme Team.
  • The Camp Award is awarded to the team that achieves the highest standard of camping, including teamwork, tidiness and food preparation.
  • The Activities Award is awarded to the team that participates in and wins the most points at the activity check points along the hike route.
  • The Rover Activities Award is awarded to the Rover Crew or Rover Team that provides the best activities as voted by Venturers.
  • The Pick of the Teams Award is presented to the team that best epitomises the attitude and enthusiasm needed for Easter Venture.
  • The Graham Hill Perpetual Easter Venture Award (Overall Winners) is the overall trophy to be awarded to the team that demonstrates the highest levels of participation, skill and enthusiasm and generally participates in the spirit in which the event is run.


EV Rules

The Scout Law is the Law of Easter Venture.

View the rules of Easter Venture



There are four kinds of checkpoints:-

  • Activity checkpoints: where Rovers run an activity related to the theme which takes a few minutes, earns your team bronze level points. Activity checkpoints are MANDATORY and your team will severely lose points if the checkpoint is missed. Some have the option to conduct initiative activities for the Venturer Award Scheme, if you are undertaking this.
  • Unmanned checkpoints: [Bronze, Silver or Gold level] designated by a bright orange marker with an intention sheet for you to complete and a means for you to mark your team passport - typically a punch device. No water is available for hikers at any of these checkpoints.
  • Lunch Checkpoint opening times vary for each day as indicated in the passport. All teams must visit this checkpoint. To earn theme points, join in on the activities provided by Theme Team. Water and First Aid are available. After your 30 minute compulsory stop you are able to check out.
  • Campsites opening times and last check-in times will be indicated in the passport. Late penalties apply. Check in with Admin and your Leaders when you arrive. You will be given the next day's control points and/or map. Hot water will be available, first aid, activities and sleep!!!! You must arrive at both the last activity for the day and the campsites as indicated in the passport, late penalties apply. You are able to leave the next day within the time frame listed in your passport after checking-out with Admin.